D-day was the first real introduction that Easy company had to actual war and fighting. Up until this point, the men of Easy company had trained in the harshest conditions and the closest the war could be simulated on a safe level. However, war was beyond anything they had ever done. All their training, activities, exercises and knowledge was in preparation for this point. This would be their first real combat confrontation with enemies who wished to killed them and intended to. Like every point up to this moment, easy company trained for D-Day. Being elite paratroopers, they would be deployed using that method further inland than the troops who were being deployed by boats. From here, they would help secure the area and let the allies get a firm hold in German territory. However, this was in no way a impromptu event that they did. It was planned for months by the best strategist and commanders of the allied forces. No chance was taken in the preparation and dress rehearsals were staged to ensure that every soldier had his place. The very equipment and vehicles (planes, etc.) that would be used on that day were given to the officers to work with. The practiced deployment from the stations they would use on that day and knew exactly which soldier would be in their platoons [pg. 59]. To help get the best simulation they could, the allies picked a beach in Britain which was similar to Utah Beach. They chose Slapton sands located in Devonshire in South western England. From may 9th to 12th, Easy company had dress rehearsals for D-Day. Many men added to the equipment they were issued as they wanted to be fully prepared. Knives, rations, guns, ammo and other items were carried along by some members of easy company. On the day of the jump, some soldiers would patrol around the platoons with German uniforms on so that the troops would be able to recognize them once they dropped. They were given exact details of the area that they would drop in , one trooper even recalled being told when the German Commander would walk his dog on evenings. Every preparation that could have been made was however, this would be the first time that Easy company saw real combat and that was not something they could prepare for.
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